music6000's latest activity

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    music6000 reacted to Feral Feline's post in the thread D&M Drive with Haha Haha.
    I will say Rabea could take a few notes from Andy's demos. The more-than-5 minutes of Rabea talking at the beginning of the vid...
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    music6000 reacted to Robert's post in the thread D&M Drive with Like Like.
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    music6000 replied to the thread D&M Drive.
    just found TGP had this! Interesting ground connection!:
    • 1714487447775.png
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    music6000 replied to the thread D&M Drive.
    Not this one:
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    music6000 reacted to Robert's post in the thread D&M Drive with Like Like.
    It's not shelved, I just haven't gotten around to it. I'm pretty sure both sides are true bypass.
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    music6000 reacted to SillyOctpuss's post in the thread D&M Drive with Wow Wow.
    I'm honestly not getting you? I'm just trying to find out how keeley got them to play nice with each other in either direction and if...
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    music6000 replied to the thread D&M Drive.
    I maybe wrong but I 'm sure it was listed somewhere that the Buffer was removed. Only Robert can answer as to why it was never released...
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    music6000 replied to the thread D&M Drive.
    Well if it has a Buffer, you can switch the order so the OCD side comes after but you already new that!!!
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    music6000 replied to the thread D&M Drive.
    Watch this!:
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    Do you have another NE555 you can try, a IRF740 & are you 100% sure that is a UF4007?