Oddity OD OD-1 some modding


Well-known member
So I have a pile of OD's like most of us now. A lot of these are close, way off, or just toss it into "the pile". Well the Oddity is of course the OD-1 and is the roots of rock, so of course it was a must have.
All my posts are pedals into a driven Plexi circuit, so what works for me may not equate for others. "vol on 4 into THD Hotplate"
So by itself the pedal is, Yikes! Ouch! Really???. Thin, gainy, harsh, into to recycle pile.
After a year I decided to try some simple mods. Tried all the internet suggestions, and since its so close to the SD-1 the common mod values are the same. End results for me was Muddy lows and still too gainy. I was boosting around 150hz and up which seemed ok but still. One more try, this time freehand modding and this actually worked out better. My ears are ringing after a fun test. A/B'b against a slightly modded 808 & SD-1. Pedalpcb boards of course. Even a fattened Kliche.
I like it, still tightens up a Plexi. Still has a mid bump but is pretty cool actually. Not as pronounced. chords are pronounced better than a 808.
listed are the changes I did on the Oddity schematic. I added a 56p over the diodes if thats too hard to read. Have Fun, Enjoy! 20250123_153322.jpg 20250123_153506.jpg
Great that you were able to dial it in.

Not the same as phoning it in, quite the opposite.

Many thanks for sharing your mods.