Radial bigshot ABY switcher

You've tested for continuity with a DMM?

EDIT: OKAY! I noticed an error in my schematic, and then rechecking the updated trace, the whole thing still didn't make sense.
So I re-examined the updated trace and my schematic and... well, even before the missing link was discovered, my schematic had some substantial errors — since rectified.

I was fixated on how I thought the circuit was, so failed to see how the circuit truly was — all stemming from ground around C2 and R3.
Errors fixed:
  • C2&R3 were backwards, now swapped
  • YSW Lug 4 went straight to ground, it does not, and it wasn't connected to LIFT 3&6
  • LIFT SW 3&6 went straight to ground, they do not
  • Missing trace, added
I hope I haven't missed anything else.
What still it would be nice to add on the schematic is the 2 leds for AB and 1 to the Y footswitch, then we will have it pretty much completed and updated
I just can't wrap my head around the AB leds in order to work properly, as per the Y led part is easy, since there's just 1 led , on/off situation
Today I mashed up BYOC's ABY-amp selector LEDs with Robert's PPCB passive ABY LEDs.
They're a bit different from each other, so hopefully I got the connections right. Easier for me to physically wire up the teeny little light-emitting diodes than figure out how the LEDs fit in the schematic!

By the by— My understanding is that both lights will come on when Y is selected.
Just trying to reduce parts required, but as you say, the Y-LED (if a separate one be so desired) is easy enough to implement.


Use a battery and switching/stereo jack on the input or preferably use a DC-jack, but either way you've gotta stick a spring or tinfoil or something in there to ground the enclosure.

Since we've now got power, may as well start kajiggering some buffers to switch on/off... Oh the toil, it never ends.

Oh, and there is one more thing...

It's a doozy.