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  1. R

    Ambassador - Matchless Hotbox project

    is the drive channel's eq a Bax or shelving?
  2. R

    Black Eye Bass Mod

    Thx. Just put an order for two.
  3. R

    Black Eye Bass Mod

    What are the Black Eye bass mods? Apologies if this has been posted before. I tried to search but could only find vague references. Thx
  4. R

    Headphone Amplifier?

    Thanks. The caps I have do fit.
  5. R

    Headphone Amplifier?

    Do all the electrolytic caps need to be 16v? I have all but the 220u, but they're rated between 35v-63v.
  6. R

    Sweepable mid values with Maleficent Mids

    So the build is done, and I'm happy with the results. I used Chuck's cap suggestions, but also swapped their respective resistors with 10k's to tighten the sweep. The range of sweep is now 170hz-1.86khz. I am, however, picking up radio signals. It's only audible when I have the volume and mids...
  7. R

    Sweepable mid values with Maleficent Mids

    It absolutely is. I was just interested in what it would look like. I'm learning more and starting to see the separate blocks of circuits. Just curious, really.
  8. R

    Sweepable mid values with Maleficent Mids

    If I wanted to try to have an adjustable Q, would R11, R12, and R14 need be potted?
  9. R

    Sweepable mid values with Maleficent Mids

    After staring at this for hours, I have a working spreadseat going. Thank you!
  10. R

    Sweepable mid values with Maleficent Mids

    Would it be too much to ask how to formulate this? And if so, is there a reference that you can point me towards that would help me learn? Im trying to use the amxfx bandpass calculator to figure this out but I'm not doing calculating right.
  11. R

    Sweepable mid values with Maleficent Mids

    Excellent! Thank you.
  12. R

    Sweepable mid values with Maleficent Mids

    Is it possible to mod the sweep frequency range with the Maleficent Mids board? I plan on using this with my bass and wanted to have range sweep between around 200hz to 2khz. Link to schematic
  13. R

    Input caps for bass

    I will be socketing the input/output caps on the first build.
  14. R

    Input caps for bass

    Thanks for taking the time to help me. And a pre-emptive apology for all future noob questions I may have.
  15. R

    Input caps for bass

    Is this something you would do for most builds? Replace the input/output caps with mlcc or tant if they call for ec?
  16. R

    Input caps for bass

    Is the issue with cap leakage a quality issue; ie, cheap vs quality caps. Or just a characteristic of electrolytic capacitors in general?
  17. R

    Input caps for bass

    Thanks. +1 for the calculator link
  18. R

    Input caps for bass

    I'm about to take on my first build. It's a Maleficent Mids. I plan on using it on bass guitar. Is the input/output RC network on this build suitable for bass, or would I have to swap these? Here's the link to it's schematic.