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    VIIB Vibrato Documents?

    Anyone have The documents or know when they will be released?
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    I need a good first tube project

    First you should know about the safety factors with building tube amps, THEY CAN KILL YOU. Learn to work safely with them. Getting zapped it NOT fun. If you're on FB "Tube Amp Builders (DIY)" is a good group. +1 on starting with a champ , tweed princeton or GA 5. Helps with the learning...
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    Ceaser Chorus Lag

    For anyone that built the Ceaser Chorus how useful is the Lag control? Do you move it often or is it more of a set and forget? I have A BYOC CE-2 chorus and wondering if it would be a fun/useful mod to add.
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    Radio Pickup on a Black Ash Clone?

    Loose jacks?
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    What do you all usually buy from Digikey?

    Digikey: I live on the west coast of Canada, $100 cad is free shipping, otherwise an $8 flat rate via fedex, most of my caps, resistors, semiconductors, hardware. NextGenGuitars (located in Canada) for pots, enclosures, jacks, led bezels Anything they dont carry mouser, smallbear, love my...
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    Boss FZ-2 clones?

    I bought one new for 100 when they came out then sold it for 50... still regret it
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    Electrovibe LDRs

    Smallbear has them but again shipping =P
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    Tube screamer types w/ Four or more knobs

    Veruman Tube screamer clone - I want to build one of these
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    Help a noob getting into DIY land

    MOST IMPORTANT - be patient - take your time, dont do it all in one day, easier to make mistakes if you rush it. I started with full kits, then pcb's and drilled and finished my own enclosures, then tried stripboard and perf boards Whatever path you take, I'd recommend an easier circuit to...
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    Aion PCB's

    I think it's great that there are several brands and each has their own thing more or less going on with pcb's.
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    What is your favorite "Big Muff" circuit, and why?

    C7 Green Russian. I built an aion halo, options to build several different versions. After youtubing for a week and trying different ones in stores that was the one.
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    In Search Of… (post the obscure parts you need help finding)

    MN3011 *3 for a DEFX project
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    Low Tide Schematic?

    LOL I DL'd your link, I'm an animal person, ty, love the kitty pic! This is my second attempt. The first I was taking my time, but my dog snagged it off the table and that was that. I got it away from him before he got any of the bits off but the damage was done. It's nice to have the...
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    Low Tide Schematic?

    Has anyone made a low tide schematic?