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    3d printed enclosures

    I've added support for cutting lines... it's only slightly more complex than just drilling holes. Here's the enclosure for Mimir's Well as an example:
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    3d printed enclosures

    About 3 hours for a 125b size box, without doing anything special to tweak the printer settings.
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    3d printed enclosures

    There are a few vendors out there who will print STL files for you... or, if you happen to have a local makerspace near your home, odds are good they'd have a 3d printer. If you need a particular/custom file made, just shoot me a note (Tayda link / PDF / whatever) and I can add the design for you.
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    3d printed enclosures

    Hopefully someone else might find this useful... I've put together a set of OpenSCAD library files to render Hammond-style enclosures that can be 3d printed. It takes the same input format that Tayda's drill tool does, so the values (diameter and coordinates) can be copied exactly between the...
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    ADHD Wiring

    Is this document still available? I have an old ADHD board that I bought a few years back (PCB019) that I'd like to assemble. I can get the component values from the board and the Musikding BOM, but I don't have the wiring information. But I see there's a new version "coming soon," so am I...