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    What do I need to know before I order my first transistors?

    @MBFX StompBox won't ship to France unless I have an EORI number and the French website tells me that I don't get one if I don't have a business... stuck in red tape. So, your source is safe (at least from me ;))
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    What do I need to know before I order my first transistors?

    Gret to hear my thread had a positive impact on the DIY world :)
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    What do I need to know before I order my first transistors?

    Tbh the Sunface BART sounds in fact huge! 'Better' is a matter of taste, but it sounds different enough from the other germanium fuzz faces I've tried.
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    What do I need to know before I order my first transistors?

    Thanks for the tips! Yeah, I've seen the GT404s on StompBoxParts. Good to hear that they seem to be alright. Don't worry, if they're all gone tomorrow it wasn't me (well, maybe three or four might find their way to France). But for the life of me I cannot find the Guitar PCB Mania set you were...
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    What do I need to know before I order my first transistors?

    Thanks everybody. I hear you. I'm asking all this in advance because I see a window of free time coming and man, these windows have become rare. So I want to be kind of prepared to experiment but I'm definitely not hunting the "I'll-be-building-the-fuzz-of-my-life"-ghost. I'll focus on Silicon...
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    What do I need to know before I order my first transistors?

    I've heard this often enough. Could you elaborate why a germanium in the right gain range would be a potential PITA? Prone to noise?
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    What do I need to know before I order my first transistors?

    @PedalBuilder @andare Thanks a lot. I tried the search but it's a little overwhelming. You're answers were already helpful, so thanks again. Alexer1 is one of the ebayers I also found, good to hear that you've had good expereinces. I haven't come across Oleg's ebay shop yet, however. Is he...
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    What do I need to know before I order my first transistors?

    Hi, I'd like to build my first pedals. Ultimately I'd like to build a Rangemaster, a Fuzz Face, a Colorsound Power Boost and a Hybrid Tone Bender. (I know I won't be building five pedals as a noob, but that's what I want to build in the foreseeable future and I want to order the necessary parts...
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    Help a noob getting into DIY land

    Which brings me to solder... I know many people here prefer the leaded solder but it's kind of banned where I live (France and Germany) and truth be told, with two small kids running around the house I prefer the lead-free stuff. So, which lead-free solder types have worked well in your...
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    Help a noob getting into DIY land

    Ok, for the iron I'll go with the Hakko. I dig the goofy design. I've often read to get extra tips with your iron. What should I get?
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    Help a noob getting into DIY land

    Awesome! I love forums! 5 minutes in and I have tons of valuable material. Thanks! So, any breadboard will do then? How much would you invest in a soldering iron?
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    Help a noob getting into DIY land

    Hi, first post, please go easy if I'm in the wrong section or ask silly questions. I'd be grateful for some help and directions for some of the questions I'm facing right now. I'm sure I will soon have many more questions though... I'd like to start DIY because I want to find out more about how...