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    What's your favorite tremolo pedal circuit?

    I'd like to mention the Carl Martin Surf Trem here as well. I'm only familiar with the initial big trapeze model. Impractical, but for such gorgeous looks I'd gladly make a bit of room. A bit of a contrast to the do-it-all models I realize, quite limited with just those 2 controls. But it...

    What's your favorite tremolo pedal circuit?

    @Feral Feline Thanks, good to hear the Quaverato can properly do this, and thanks for the suggested settings! Will start from there. Ordered the kit (with MIDI) today, looking forward to it. All looks like a nice & cool looking package, and with the potential to even address multiple...

    What's your favorite tremolo pedal circuit?

    Hi Cybercow, thanks for the very quick reply and info, much appreciated! Good to hear the Quaverato can come close. This was the last thing holding me back, I’ll be ordering a kit. I'm looking forward to the MIDI-functionality of it as well, great that it has this. Actually a bit surprised I...

    What's your favorite tremolo pedal circuit?

    Hi, I'm wondering how close the Quaverato can come to the VOX Repeat Percussion sound? As I thought to have understood the LFO-waveform of the VOX Repeat Percussion is a sawtooth (immediately going high, and then decreasing). On the Quaverato there’s obviously the dedicated selection on the...