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  1. T

    clean blend that doubles as optional buffered bypass?

    the pedal i'm looking to do this to is the sour grape (keeley rotten apple) but i don't think that actually matters so much as the way i'm planning on wrapping a clean blend around it, so my plan was to have an op amp buffer up front: though, as mentioned in the first post i don't know if it's...
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    clean blend that doubles as optional buffered bypass?

    okay, i traced the paths, it's pretty much the same idea as mine except with two differences: 1) the switch between buffered and true bypass is a 4PDT, and the other two poles switch in the two resistors at the bottom when it's in buffered bypass mode. i don't really understand what those do...
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    clean blend that doubles as optional buffered bypass?

    i'll look into the cygnus switching and see if i can wrap my head around it, but in the meantime: if i was really committed to the switchable true/buffered bypass, obviously the easiest thing would be to just give it its own switchable buffer op amp dedicated to the bypass path. but honestly i...
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    Mixing Modes on the Hyped Fuzz with a Potentiometer

    ^ ooh, i like this idea. adding a parallel resistor changes both the total resistance and taper of the pot, and this is a rare instance where both things would be useful to you
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    Mixing Modes on the Hyped Fuzz with a Potentiometer

    the panner can be found here: if your browser is like mine you'll have to open it in a new window and then get a warning message saying it can't be downloaded securely (presumably because it isn't from an HTTPS server) and choose to save it...
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    Mixing Modes on the Hyped Fuzz with a Potentiometer

    lower pot value. the lower the pot value, the less separation there will be between the extremes of the pot. remember that an M/N pot is actually two pots, with both being at 100% (or 0 resistance) in the middle. so if at 49% and 51% of the pot's rotation you can only hear one or the other...
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    clean blend that doubles as optional buffered bypass?

    hi all, i'm interested in the idea of adding a clean blend to an existing distortion effect, and i'm wondering if it's possible to also use it as a switchable buffered bypass option. with the help of this very useful tutorial by @jesuscrisp...
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    TUTORIAL Why Your Clean Blends Suck ... or "How to (Clean) Blend"

    i'm interested in adding a clean blend to an existing distortion effect. pretty certain i'm going to go with a dual op-amp version, but i'm not sure if i'll be doing the 100% dry to 100% wet version or the purely additive one. i had a couple of questions though: 1) are there particular...
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    op amp bias voltage divider - resistor values?

    if i were to use VREF in all the places you suggested, but wanted to create an asymmetrical clipping control that changed the bias voltage on the clipping stage op amp, i would need to create a separate voltage divider with its own conditioning cap and a pot to vary one half of the voltage...
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    op amp bias voltage divider - resistor values?

    yes, that fourth op amp will definitely be used, for either an active baxandall tone section, or a clean blend buffer. speaking of the latter, would a separate buffer for the clean blend still be necessary if i instead took the clean signal from after the first gain stage?
  11. T

    op amp bias voltage divider - resistor values?

    haha yes, we were both talking about the sour grape. i see C2 in the dream fuzz directly attached to the voltage divider, but i was referring to C2 in the power section of the sour grape. i assumed it was there to get rid of any noise or ripple. do we need another one attached to the ground side...
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    op amp bias voltage divider - resistor values?

    i'm very new at this, but is C2 not there to take care of noise or ripple?
  13. T

    op amp bias voltage divider - resistor values?

    if the 10uF capacitor on the sour grape's bias voltage is smallish, isn't the 220nF one on the dream fuzz tiny by comparison?
  14. T

    op amp bias voltage divider - resistor values?

    fair! here's the sour grape (rotten apple): and here's the dream fuzz (original op amp big muff):
  15. T

    op amp bias voltage divider - resistor values?

    is that just a buffered bias voltage supply? i was planning on using it for an active baxandall tone control. but i also might want to add a clean blend which would also require at least one more op amp
  16. T

    op amp bias voltage divider - resistor values?

    so the only other thing that the bias voltage is connected to is the unused op-amp in the TL074. the clipping diodes are in the negative feedback loop of the op-amp in question so i'm not sure what you mean about other circuits drawing from that bias
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    op amp bias voltage divider - resistor values?

    i should mention, the sour grape uses 3 sections of a TL074, whereas the original op amp big muff uses a 741 for the clipping stage that has the asymmetrical bias voltage
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    op amp bias voltage divider - resistor values?

    hi all, i've been playing around with the sour grape (keeley rotten apple) circuit, which is based on the op amp big muff ("dream fuzz"). so in comparing and contrasting the two, i noticed something interesting about the original op amp big muff -- the clipping stage op amp is biased by a...
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    Blue Waffle (ish) into Sour Grape

    Five year old thread, but what effect does changing or omitting those caps have on the sound? Does increasing the 1uFs to 1.5 let more bass through? Does omitting the clipping cap let more treble through?
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    So this is where I am with my Pandora...

    i have a more general question about this kind of negative feedback loop high pass if you don't mind: i understand that in the negative feedback loop, everything is kind of topsy-turvy backwards world because the signal that passes through it gets cancelled out, whereas the signal that gets...