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  1. D

    Voltage switch for Paragon

    Yes, I implemented this mod and have been using it for over a year now without any issues. There's another thread that specifically describes this mod. However, it sounds like another user had some trouble implementing it. Happy to help with debugging if you want to give it a try...
  2. D

    Paragon Mod

    Sorry to hear about the smoke Quality_Jones. This switch mod is designed to completely bypass the charge pump in 9v mode. I can report that I've used the switch mod I described above for over a year without any problems. Again, in 9v mode, it simply connects the 9v from the D7 anode directly to...
  3. D

    Paragon Mod

    Yes, I was able to add a 9v/18v switch to this circuit without too much trouble. The only additional part is a DPDT On-On switch. I removed diodes D7 and D15 from the board and soldered them directly to the switch as shown. I soldered D14 to the board but elevated it slightly so that I could...
  4. D

    Voltage switch for Paragon

    I like the idea of being able to switch between 9v and 18v on the Paragon. It seems to me that this could be achieved with a simple DPDT switch mod, with diodes D7 and D15 being removed from the board and soldered to the switch instead, thereby isolating the TC1044 from the rest of the circuit...