Adding “threshold” led to Muffler sanity check


New member
Working on a muffler as part of an all in one board for a friend and they asked about adding the NS-2 style led.

From my understanding of the circuit and how the NS-2 / others handle it wouldn’t it just be a matter of running said led off of Q2’s emitter with a small CLR around 100-330r?
I know the NS-2 is more involved than this build but I based my deductions on just comparing the two circuits and my understanding of using LEDs this way in general electronics. I don’t have a lot of experience with noise gates specifically other than repairing a few. So anyone who can confirm, or has insight on any way of doing it appropriately is appreciated


Breadboard these ideas...

CODA's Noise gate mod: add a 100k trimpot (wired as a variable resistor) parallel to the 100k to ground of the second gain stage. Adjust trimmer to taste.
Actually, Coda got the MOD FROM KIT RAE.
Speaking of Kit Rae...
Consider adding JEN's Germanium noise gate mod to your friend's Muff-build. You could stick it on vero or perf and insert it between the second clipping stage and tone-stack.


Nothin' to do with noise-gate for all I know, but I've been wanting to try this Zorg Effects suggestion:
ZORG's Bias mod: changes the bias of the output stage with a 1M pot in parallel of the voltage-divider resistor.