Help with tracking down a component


Well-known member
A'ite. I've been down an inductor rabbit hole for some time now.

I've been able to demystify a fair amount about how these things are built and designed to my own edification. But there is one mystery that I cannot seem to solve.

Who. The. Fuck. Makes. These. Specific. Pin. Terminal. Carriers?


To be specific: I'm aware of TDK/Epcos' Terminal Carrier and Yoke. It's what the guy who makes whipples uses for his "halo" inductors, as well as what's provided in the small bear "build your own inductor" kit.

But the Sabbadius Soul and Wilson Halo both use a different 1811P ferrite terminal carrier. Wilson only uses two pins, Sabbadius uses 4. Typically, these are sold as a kit with both the baseplate and yoke/"halo clip" like in the below mouser listing:

I've scoured mouser and digikey, no dice. I know that this is a commercially available part due to its presence in the aforementioned aftermarket inductors. Google searches yeild nothing. Not many companies operate in this space. I'm curious as hell, though, because the TDKs are too damned expensive and my own turreted variants aren't very efficient to make.

Any component sleuths out there that can assist me in this endeavor?

My dude. I appreciate the thought, but its pretty clear you didn't read what I wrote. So Imma say it again:

Lookin for the hardware, not the inductor itself. I'm building 'em and this particular part has been vexingly difficult to identify.

Perhaps this Inductor Adapter would help?

Its a good starting point, but I need some clearance underneath the ferrite core halves so my little clips can slide underneath and be firmly affixed to the board.

I mean...imma make a bunch of em on fiberglass/epoxy board. But the assemblies are *soooo* much easier to deal with.
Not an answer but maybe a breadcrumb...
There was a guy some 10ish years ago winding custom puktec inductors on either diyaudio or gearslutz, err gearspace. I remember a lengthy thread on his process.
Maybe worth a googfu.
Everytime you type "imma" I pronounce it in my head like how it's spelled, ie as in "immaterial" but not "I'm-a". 😸

Would you be okay with sourcing from China?
Might be able to do an image-match thing on TaoBao...
Ya know, I think I've made a bit of a breakthrough:

Compare this Eleca halo to the Sabbadius:

IMG20250125141021.jpg IMG20250125141041.jpg

Same. Just fewer pins.

Of course, the Eleca is a nominal 600mH inductor. The Sabbadius is a nominal 500mH.

Which makes me suspect that this baseplate is not actually a commercially available product that both Wilson and Sabbadius source to make their inductors. It's quite possible that they both simply have them built-to-spec by *Eleca*.

It appears as though Eleca is the OEM for rocktron, Modtone, and a few others. It wouldn't be all too surprising if Eleca was producing these for Wilson and Sabbadius. Then again, these folks could simply be sourcing the hardware from the same place and winding their own. Hard to say for certain.
Well done, Stickman! You may very well have solved the case.
