I’m getting myself in a mess because I don’t know how to do the calculations! This circuit is Spaceman Effects Charon, traced by Deadend FX. I’ve bread boarded it and think the fuzz is quite appealing, but I feel the tone control does nothing, it is supposed to cut bass as you turn it clockwise. It’s quite likely I’ve gone wrong on the breadboard and just can’t see my error but I was hoping someone might take pity on me and help me understand what is going on from C8 onwards.
This is my best guess, but it is based on very little knowledge:
A high pass filter is a capacitor followed by a resistor to ground, so when the tone pot wiper set at lug 1, there is 470nf capacitor with a resistance of 150k* to ground giving a cut off frequency of 2.2Hz (I used an online calculator).
(*I’m guessing the volume pot also has an influence, but I confess I don’t know how to calculate that.)
And when the wiper is at lug 3 the 470nF and 15nF are in series making the total capacitance 14.5nF and a resistance of 100k to ground giving a cut off frequency of 109Hz? Basically the same frequency as the open A string on a guitar.
I suspect the above shows my complete naïvety and none of it is even remotely right! But if you happen to know the secrets to some of this magic please let me know.
Best wishes, Chris.

This is my best guess, but it is based on very little knowledge:
A high pass filter is a capacitor followed by a resistor to ground, so when the tone pot wiper set at lug 1, there is 470nf capacitor with a resistance of 150k* to ground giving a cut off frequency of 2.2Hz (I used an online calculator).
(*I’m guessing the volume pot also has an influence, but I confess I don’t know how to calculate that.)
And when the wiper is at lug 3 the 470nF and 15nF are in series making the total capacitance 14.5nF and a resistance of 100k to ground giving a cut off frequency of 109Hz? Basically the same frequency as the open A string on a guitar.
I suspect the above shows my complete naïvety and none of it is even remotely right! But if you happen to know the secrets to some of this magic please let me know.
Best wishes, Chris.