kinda the weird thing cause the lfo seems to be working cause the pots are affecting the rate LED. I thought anything over 5 v would fry the pt2399. Though I don't think the 2399 creates any of the LFO. maybe it is fried and that is why I get no signal
Signal tracing the signal dies at pin 2 of IC2.
So I don't fry another 2399 (if I did) I figured I should try and find out why my voltage is so high. maybe the higher voltage signals a cold joint in one of the electrolytics?
But to answer your question yes the 2399 is in
One last thing is I did not put in 2 of the LED's cause I did'nt think it could effect the outcome of the circuit since they are just on/off indicators.
I don't think it would affect the voltage either but I know next to nothing on how circuits are supposed to act aside from the obvious stuff..
thank you for your input by the way I really appreciate it.