parentheses intelligent relay bypass


New member
complete noob here in terms of mods, but how exactly do i add momentary/latch to my octave switch? i ordered the parts and pcb for the intelligent relay and i was hoping to understand it somehow before it got here but im still stumped after going through pedalpcb forums, googling and reading other websites. unless i missed a site, you can link it here, but i'm hoping someone will give me straight-to-the-point instructions on how to add it the switch.... i'm not trained at all in circuits and schematics; i've only soldered 2 DIY kits and then put together 3 pedals from pedalpcb, hoped it turned on and it's worked out for me so far.

sorry in advance if this is asking alot, i'll be patient if anyone is willing to help
i managed to solve the problem myself. i just built it like normal and used the photos from this post as reference for the relay system
