Subbing a 92k resistor for a 91k (Byrdhouse Compressor)


New member
Hello! I am pretty new to this but trying to learn where I can. I picked up the Byrdhouse compressor and ran into this issue.

At the end of the circuit, there is a 92K resistor and all I'm finding are 91k. If I switch the 92k to a 91k, will this ruin all the work I've put into it? Is this something to be worrying about or am I just being a noob?
Okay cool. Thank you! I might do the tee-pee thing. Might also just go with the 91k and see if I'm bothered by it.
Yup, just measured 10 x 220k metal-film resistors for an amp project, they're supposed to be within a 1% tolerance and most were within that spec, but I found a couple that both measured 230k.