Tweed Man Q3 sub?


Well-known member
Welp, I was on my last of 4 boards needing SMDs soldered; got my technique down after a bit of a start, figured out how to line them up and tack and shift, and was reliably installing them correctly--hey those little lines do something.

Grabbed that little grain-of-rice sized MMBF4393 with my super-duper needlenoses, dipped the ends in flux and PTOINGGG! it scampered away into the wilds of my basement like a flea onto a collie. Now, I've found regular through-hole components again, but after 30 minutes of searching, I'm just calling this one escaped. I just KNEW I should've ordered an extra.

The question is, can I substitute another transistor at that position (Q3) or is MPF4393 crucial? And what would be the recommended substitute? [edit: j201 and 2n5457 are mentioned.] Criteria specs for subbing?

Preferably something I already have, so that I can avoid an order with $5 shipping for a $0.25 part. I really hate that, and I'm trying to stay out of the "might as well order more boards and components so I can get this last component" trap.

I'm trying to get out of the game, people!
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