UK matched JFET quads


Active member
Hey all, I am looking for a matched quad set of JFETs. Does anyone have an idea of a uk supplier - I am struggling. I know I can get them from AION for around $9 but the shipping is like $18.

I was considering buying 100 from banzai and a dca75 but that’s a lot of money.
Hey all, I am looking for a matched quad set of JFETs. Does anyone have an idea of a uk supplier - I am struggling. I know I can get them from AION for around $9 but the shipping is like $18.

I was considering buying 100 from banzai and a dca75 but that’s a lot of money.

None that I've ever found. I've always just bought them from a US seller. It's a lot in shipping but if you buy a few pcbs too it's probably your best option.