Which pots do you recommend?


Active member
I'm building the DuoPhase, SuperHeterodyne, CaptainBit, and Arcana...

What pots do you recommend? e.g. for the B100K should I be looking at this one? Which shaft size variant do you recommend?

If I get that and mount it to the bottom of the board, will it line up nicely with the top of the enclosure?

Or do you recommend something else?

These are my first pedals I'm building "from scratch" after building some synths... so I'm new to trying to fit all of this in a pedal enclosure.

They will all work, it comes down to which knobs you want to use. I use the 6.35mm (1/4") round shaft because it offers the most options for knobs. The boards are designed for mounting the pots on the bottom side. The pots line up with the drill pattern in the build docs. I use the drilled chassis as a solder jig by temporarily installing the pots in the chassis with the nuts a little loose. Mount the board on the pots, get everything lined up and then solder the pots in place. The pots have to be installed last because they obscure many of the solder joints for the other parts. I install the LED at the same time. Make sure that you orient the pot such that pin #1 (full CCW) is soldered to the square pad. Take a look at the pix in the Build Reports forum, the gut shots will show you how the pots are oriented on the boards.