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    • C
      Cagno replied to the thread VA and VB in any given circuit.
      I see, thanks again!!
    • C
      Cagno replied to the thread VA and VB in any given circuit.
      Wow, thank you for that information. HYPOTHETICALLY if there was a capacitor in line with those voltage dividing resisters going to VB...
    • C
      Cagno replied to the thread VA and VB in any given circuit.
      Thanks! I'll take a look at that post. How about this given circuit? VA looks like 9v, but I'm not sure how to determine VB
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    • C
      Hey! Recently into the DIY pedal scene and have a question regarding voltages. In most schematic diagrams you see a VA and VB reference...
    • C
      Cagno replied to the thread Kliche Overdrive Issues?.
      Those two resisters were infact 27k, but you're right, R26 was not soldered properly. I appreciate you pointing out my stupidity. Thank you!
    • C
      Cagno replied to the thread Kliche Overdrive Issues?.
      I just measured the voltages of both TL072 chips and all the legs that should be 4.5v are double what they should be. The 3rd TC10 chip...
    • C
      Cagno replied to the thread Kliche Overdrive Issues?.
      Just resoldered. not change. they are definitely making a solid connection. When I touch the bottom of the chip it goes away, and a few...
    • C
      Cagno replied to the thread Kliche Overdrive Issues?.
      Okay, so I just found something out. IF a press the bottom of the chip where its legs are soldered to the board, it works. What does...
    • C
      Currently having issues with my newly built Kliche Overdrive. When the pedal is disengaged it bypasses signal, but it still seems as if...
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