Recent content by Itchy Scratcherson

  1. Itchy Scratcherson

    Most Versatile Fuzz Circuit (DIY and Commercial)

    Hey! This may or may not be helpful 2+ yrs > the OP, but the most versatile fuzz out there today, imho, (and with no affiliation,) is Baltimore Sonic Research Institute's (BSRI) TFZ ("The Ultimate Fuzz")... currently being made by them as "Impossible Colors". This after trying a zillion great...
  2. Itchy Scratcherson

    Spectron mod question: "sweep range"?

    Thank you for the reminder to post on on! I think I found my answer in Mark Hammer's article: "The Technology of Auto-Wahs / Envelope-Controlled Filter". His section labelled "The Envelope follower and Inverter" pinpoints the details I'm looking for.
  3. Itchy Scratcherson

    Spectron mod question: "sweep range"?

    Can anyone provide an ehx Riddle Q-balls *schematic*? This may be a super-simple matter, but I'd love aion's Spectron to have the capability to specify the sweep frequency range with just a little more precision. I haven't seen this on other envelope filters, but the ehx Riddle Q-Balls "START"...
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