Recent content by owlexifry

  1. owlexifry

    Even more new Tayda colors!

    went to check on viola pink availability... (still 'out of stock') boom - another new metallic candy!
  2. owlexifry

    DEMO [Vero] Big Muff - Russian - altoids

    heck yes. 30 yrs?! that'd have to be a genuine original big box :love:
  3. owlexifry

    DEMO [Vero] Big Muff - Russian - altoids

    might have to whip out the squier PB next time and do another bass demo seems to be a popular one for bass, but i was still surprised at how well it worked, even with the sustain cranked. always down for the chicklets if i can fit them 🤟
  4. owlexifry

    DEMO [Vero] Big Muff - Russian - altoids

    after building the kewpie fuzz, damn was i hooked, not just with the sound, but the whole BMP evolution, so I fell down a big muff rabbit hole and was compelled to build another one. ive done a handful of altoids builds before, but never with top jacks. always kinda scoffed at top jack layouts...
  5. owlexifry

    DEMO Lectric-FX Karaoke Chorus (Boss CE-1)

    ayyy that's the spirit 🤟
  6. owlexifry

    DEMO Lectric-FX Karaoke Chorus (Boss CE-1)

    update: 1) per @mybud 's recommendation, I had a go at including those superfluous I/O jack ground pads. soldered in a jumper each, returned them to the ground star at the input jack. no change. absolutely no effect on idle noise. pulled these back out, returned to a single ground lead. 2)...
  7. owlexifry

    Why aren't folks using better US made vintage germanium diodes?

    golly gosh 6 or 7? alright 🤙🏻 with that many i might even be able to try them in a suhr riot build i’ve just started
  8. owlexifry

    Why aren't folks using better US made vintage germanium diodes?

    yep, no issues with posting a clip to youtube (very basic though - SM57+2i2+iphone)
  9. owlexifry

    Why aren't folks using better US made vintage germanium diodes?

    i wouldn't expect you to actually send them all the way to australia, but if you really want to hear them... 🤷‍♂️ im sure there's someone closer that has a klon build you could have them put in.
  10. owlexifry

    Why aren't folks using better US made vintage germanium diodes?

    come on mate, this isn't TGP ;)
  11. owlexifry

    Why aren't folks using better US made vintage germanium diodes?

    not gonna lie, if you really wanted to send me a couple low leakage examples - ill happily chuck a pair in my klon build, do an A/B comparison playthrough, and see what we get... (wont be cheap though) all my builds are ugly as fuck, so i honestly don't give a shit what these diodes look like...
  12. owlexifry

    Why aren't folks using better US made vintage germanium diodes?

    how much is global shipping over the pacific ocean? shipping costs (for me) are often prohibitive. I am never going to spend $40 to ship $10 worth of stuff. fuck that. not gonna find any of that shit here in mad max land.
  13. owlexifry

    SOLVED Tone Pot Acting Like Volume Pot

    absolutely. or just use solid core :p
  14. owlexifry

    SOLVED Tone Pot Acting Like Volume Pot

    no idea, but make sure pin 1 of the tone pot isn't touching anything (especially ground) - check continuity etc.
  15. owlexifry

    DEMO Lectric-FX Karaoke Chorus (Boss CE-1)

    so you're implying yours was noisy too? good point... as redundant as they appear, maybe those I/O jack sleeve ground pads actually need continuity to ground for something or other..? seems dumb though, you'd think a star arrangement with a single ground lead to the board would be ideal.. (to...