Cattle Driver #4 (BuffaloFX TD-X)


Well-known member
As I mentioned in the build report for Cattle Driver #3 (or should that be "Catttle" Driver?), the Cattle Driver was first PedalPCB board I built.

I've since sold all the previous builds. But I had another PCB in my pile, and it's a quick and easy build, and kind of missed having one around, so here I present my fourth Cattle Driver build!

There's nothing I can really add that I haven't said before (or hasn't been said by others). As much as I like it, being able to tweak the mids would be really nice... I keep flirting with the idea of buying the PastFX TD-Y v2 to send it to @Robert.

The more important part of this build report is to discuss the enclosure finish, as a follow-up to my Aion Amethyst Analog Delay (Boss DM-2) build report. IOW, this is another AliExpress mandala stickers plus Envirotex finish. Aesthetically, it's actually worse than the Amethyst. This is for a couple reasons: (1) this was a Tayda "glimmer brown" enclosure, and the shrink wrap it came it was basically bonded to the aluminum. It was looking to be one of those jobs that was going to take an hour or more, and I figured it would be mostly covered with stickers anyway. And (2) I forgot to blow on the Envirotex after I did the pour (I was in a bit of a hurry), and there are a handful of bubbles in the finish.

Finally, @SillyOctpuss - as for drilling the Envirotex after it's cured, I omitted the pilot hole with a regular bit, and went straight to the stepper bit. I still got a little bit of lift on all the holes I did this way. But note that I still did not drill or cut the mandala stickers before doing the pour (although the aluminum was drilled). So next time I'll follow your directions exactly and cut out the sticker holes (and then apply tape from the bottom). On the other hand - for all the top holes (DC power and I/O jacks), I did what @Alan W suggested, that is, use a regular bit, but in reverse. I didn't get any lift of the Envirotex when doing this.

The bypass circuit/board is one of my Custom microcontroller-based relay bypass.

Edit: fixed a typo.


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