Lytt Effects First Rule (AionFX Gladiator - Duellist)

Lytt Effects

Active member
Lytt Effects is proud to present the: First Rule (of overdrives)

The PCB: the Gladiator from AionFX, which is a trace of the King Tone Duellist. Overall an easy build, but I do prefer the part values on the PCB rather than the part number. I understand the why behind it though, as it’s slightly more beginner-friendly from a build standpoint, and will help one take their time and double check component values. I get it. No modifications other than socketed diodes in one part. My only real gripe is that the Fat, Stock, and Glass settings appear to be on opposite ends of each other. This only really annoys me because the graphics I had printed now don’t match on side A, so I have to figure out what to do there. I could try a sub-mini toggle and wire the top and bottom lugs to the opposite ends on the PCB, or I could see if I can remove the text altogether somehow without damaging the finish.

The Build: fairly smooth from start to finish. I socketed a couple of diodes on side B to play around with the clipping character, so we’ll see what it sounds like swapping them out. Currently, I have the 1S1588 installed. For component population and layout, this is a fairly easy build. Easy to populate and maneuver around, soldering was a breeze for the most part. I included the send/return loop feature, which I really like in the Aion dual pedals. My only question with it is the use of the stereo switched jacks in the diagram, as I feel like it can done with mono switched jacks, but I’m not 100% positive on that. Mainly because it’s just looping the ring connection in with the sleeve.

The Design: the enclosure is a 1590BBS in the matte pink finish from Stomp Box Parts. Love this finish. It’s matte, but it appears to have some flecks of white/silver-ish that looks really cool. The graphics are a nod to one of my favorite movies, Fight Club, which also plays into the idea of “duellist”. Again, my only gripe is the Fat Stock Glass labels being opposite on side A, but I can deal.

The Goods:
