EffectsBakery Butter Roll Vibe whine (Solved)


Well-known member
So, I picked up a used Effects Bakery Butter Roll Vibe. Looking at the insides, I've discovered it's a ROG Tri-Vibe (LM13600, etc). In checking to make sure it worked and sounded great - which it did - I noticed it picks up lots of interference/whining from a power supply I use for a Flamma Reverb.

I check the power supply with different pedals - nope, no whine. So, it must be limited to the pedal. Not sure if it needs more filtering, etc. Ideas and/or thoughts?

ROG TriVibe
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Sorry I can't help you, although having some sort of small extra-filtering board might be cool at least to slap into a very small enclosure and test if it helps noise with other pedals - so I might be interested in the principle of what might help.

Thanks a lot for checking what it's based on, because I was a little interested in it from an earlier thread. Now I might pick up a PCB for the Tri-Vibe! Looks like TH Custom and Fuzzdog both have one.
Sorry I can't help you, although having some sort of small extra-filtering board might be cool at least to slap into a very small enclosure and test if it helps noise with other pedals - so I might be interested in the principle of what might help.

Thanks a lot for checking what it's based on, because I was a little interested in it from an earlier thread. Now I might pick up a PCB for the Tri-Vibe! Looks like TH Custom and Fuzzdog both have one.
If the Vibe/Vibrato is your thing, then go for it -- the TriVibe pfb. I think it sounds nice for the price. Yeah, it's mainly SMT, but that doesn't matter. I'll figure out the noise issue. Probably a bad power cap or a noisy TL062.
Thanks a lot for checking what it's based on, because I was a little interested in it from an earlier thread. Now I might pick up a PCB for the Tri-Vibe! Looks like TH Custom and Fuzzdog both have one.
Aion also makes a tri-vibe board.

P_brommer, that said, you might check out the build docs at Aion just to see how they handle power filtering etc. I don’t remember any whine with my build, but there can def be some lfo bleed through that I think I sort of solved by using a tl022.
I would try a different power supply to see if anything changes. Sometimes switching supplies don't agree with certain pedals. A cable like this is nice to rule out power supply issues.

Look at these people with all their big brains. I'll look at different options and see what works. Hope I can find the solution.
Look at these people with all their big brains. I'll look at different options and see what works. Hope I can find the solution.
Self-reply: it was the Flamma power supply causing issues. I tried my OneSpot (that's only 2 spots) and it works fine without noise. Single coils pick up noise, but that's to be expected. Thanks for the suggestions to look at the power supply as a culprit. I still might sneak another power supply cap for filtering in therenjust in case.