PedalPCB Disarray


Active member
Super simple build report here. Friends son recently found out they're headlining a local festival, and decided to make him something to celebrate. Nothing too fancy, and he likes flames so had to include a couple for good luck. Very straight forward build, ended up just using schottkys instead of germanium and 1N4007's instead of the zeners (considering there's zero difference whatsoever).

Honestly I expected it to have -more- gain, but it's not bad sounding.

Apparently I forgot to order caps, so we'll just ignore the one that doesn't match :oops:


i just built one of these recently (veroboard) and i found it had insane amounts of gain!
huge sound for such a small circuit.
It's not low gain, but nowhere near as high as I was expecting. Sounds pretty nice - not really my thing, but the recipient is super stoked

What a great gift; congrats to your friend's son — great way to commemorate him getting to headline the festival.