Fornicus overdrive, faulty j201, or own stupidity?


New member
Hello everyone!

It has been a while since I last posted but I got back to putting pedals together. So far a couple came out nicely but I am having issues with the fornicus overdrive.
These are the things that work as expected:
- Signal comes in and out when not engaged
- The internal led is always on
- The external led,linked to the temporary foot switch side, gets brighter depending on the signal strength
- The right regular led turns on and off when the pedal is on and off

But here is the interesting part, I get no clean sound when the pedal is engaged. I get a very quiet, very distorted sound if I raise the volume and drive a lot, while fiddling with bias and the potentiometers. This makes me think it could be a faulty transistor since there are two through-hole j201.

I had similar issues with pedals like the chop shop or the low tide modulator and changing it the j201 to smd fixed it. However, this is coming from a kit from musikding, and I haven't seen any reviews commenting on faulty j201s on that site.

Could there be something else I am missing? Is there a way for me to identify a faulty transistor? I have searched around but couldn't find a solution.

Here is a video documenting the behavior ->
and I attach some pictures of my shameful soldering.



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MusikDing is rather fastidious with its component reliability. So the parts should all be good. And your soldering appears to be OK. However, I would question the socketed TO-92 devices, they can often sit sloppily in them. To assure a snug fit, I always gently wrinkle the ends of the leads before insertion. So I'd start there.

MusikDing is rather fastidious with its component reliability. So the parts should all be good. And your soldering appears to be OK. However, I would question the socketed TO-92 devices, they can often sit sloppily in them. To assure a snug fit, I always gently wrinkle the ends of the leads before insertion. So I'd start there.

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Good thinking. I have just tried bending all legs and putting them back in but the problem persists. I have also tried messing with them while playing and it doesn't seem to do any effect.
If all the voltages are correct, I would proceed into re-examining all the component values to ensure an errant value is in place somewhere.