Radium Springs: Tweak values/trimpot For Tremolo Level?


Active member
I read the review of the Radium Springs where a user tweaked some resistor values to adjust the tremolo level, when using those modes:
"replace the resistors controlling the tremolo signal with trimpots using the handy Trimmit boards or socketing them and changing them out until you like them."

Anybody know which resistors those are?
Changed my mind about the direction for this board and ordered the EEPROM for the ThreeVerb, but still curious about the above changes.
Changed my mind about the direction for this board and ordered the EEPROM for the ThreeVerb, but still curious about the above changes.
All the parameters for the tremolo section are in the EEPROM that contains the FV-1 algorithms. And as such, there are no external component values that can be changed to affect the tremolo or other settings. It's all in the code found in the EEPROM. That's why there has never been an answer for tweaking the resistors of a Radium Springs to alter the tremolo signal.