Pedal companies that also sell pcbs/kits? (Frost Giant, EAE, Catalinbread,GCI)

Yeah, I saw the thread title and came in to mention Zorg — one of my favourites.
Fuzzonaut beat me to it.

As for the knobs — you could get some winegums and carve little notches into them...

The guy that does the Rocket Sockets used to offer DIY PCBs. Peper's Pedals
Devi Ever

BYOC/Tone Brewery

Lots of cool stuff coming out from various pedal-vendors, but that Catalainbread... no Top Jacks? Pffffft ! 🙄
F*CK IT, YOU BUILD IT — or give us Top jacks.

Fuzzlord Effects has an overdrive and a silicon fuzzface (out of stock). He also did build videos that might be generally helpful for first-timers.
Didn’t know fuzzlord had pcbs. Thanks for posting that. I watched his videos all the time when I first started building. I bought one of his 250 boards just now. I have about 6 different versions of this circuit already in the works but one more couldn’t hurt haha
Damn! For a sec I thought FIG was back!
Sorry to have disappointed. I plan to do some more of that around here before I’m through 😂
Didn’t know fuzzlord had pcbs. Thanks for posting that. I watched his videos all the time when I first started building. I bought one of his 250 boards just now. I have about 6 different versions of this circuit already in the works but one more couldn’t hurt haha
Yeah! I think seeing those on his website is what made me realize this was even possible and down the rabbit hole I’ve gone.