FV-1 DEV BOARD ...Now what? (noob woes)


New member
So maybe it's my complete ignorance to coding (the extent of my experience is flashing a new OS to a piece of digital gear like a synth or pedal using SysEx Librarian but I certainly didn't write the code) but the "instructions" for the Dev Board being this page: (https://wiki.pedalpcb.com/wiki/Using_the_FV1Dev_on_Apple_macOS) might as well be a post-it note that says "figure it out yourself dummy" to me. Not as a criticism of pedal PCB, but a testament to my lack of knowledge.

I tried opening terminal and cut and pasting:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

the response was:
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

I went on github and found hombrew. I used this code to try and install it:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

...but it wants a password...

I have all the parts, the correct eprom chips and an imac running catalina.
Any next steps or advice?

I just feel very Gen-X at the moment haha
All things GitHub pretty much require an account to access the files and such there. An account is free to set up for users. That might help.
i appreciate the response! I do have a github an account and a password, I just didn't realize it wanted MY password :LOL: However that doesnt seem to work because now apparently i need "sudo" first? This kind of stuff is why I never even tried to learn code back in the day, it confounds me 🤯:LOL:
I was sent down so many rabbit holes of "you can't do that, you need this first, you cant do THIS, you need the OTHER THING first" and I cant find and documents stating: "here is a list of things you need to do in the correct (or at least logical) order they need to be done...oh you did all that on a mac? Yeah sorry that's not working because its windows only"

I'm just frustrated. If anyone knows a link (or links) to a good step by step instruction of what to download, in what order, to design effects to load into and work with the pedalpcb FV-1 development board ON A MAC for someone who is a total code noob. I would be forever grateful.
"Sudo" is already built into the system, so you don't need to add anything for that.

Getting Homebrew up and running is among the harder things I've done on Mac, as a Mac user since the 1980s. Last time I did it I gave up a couple times before finally getting it right. IME the most important thing is finding a step-by-step that matches your OS version exactly.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

There is no github account needed.
If this does not work you can get through the script step by step as it is explained in the upper link.

This script installs Homebrew to its default, supported, best prefix (/usr/local for macOS Intel, /opt/homebrew for Apple Silicon and /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew for Linux) so that you don’t need sudo after Homebrew’s initial installation when you brew install. This prefix is required for most bottles (binary packages) to be used. It is a careful script; it can be run even if you have stuff installed in the preferred prefix already. It tells you exactly what it will do before it does it too. You have to confirm everything it will do before it starts.
It may not be the most appealing option but have you considered picking up a beater PC on ebay just to get the ball rolling? (This is what I ended up doing after first attempting with macOS / homebrew etc and running into too many roadbumps.)

As I'm sure you're aware you don't need any impressive specs to run spinCAD designer / spinASM etc, so pretty much anything with a USB port will do the job!

I did make a brief video (link) just detailing some of my findings and I do plan on making a more extensive video to help people get into building FV-1 pedals, once I have completed a few builds!
So I finally am coming back around to this project. Even though I’ve used macs my whole life I went ahead and bought a cheap windows computer. Hopefully it will work for my needs:

HP 15-DY5033DX
Intel 12th Generation Core i3
Solid State Drive: 256 gigabytes
System Memory (RAM): 8 gigabytes
Operating System: Windows 11 Home

It can be taken out of “S-mode” and will still actually function (supposedly)

I’m crossing my fingers it does the job.
It may not be the most appealing option but have you considered picking up a beater PC on ebay just to get the ball rolling? (This is what I ended up doing after first attempting with macOS / homebrew etc and running into too many roadbumps.)

As I'm sure you're aware you don't need any impressive specs to run spinCAD designer / spinASM etc, so pretty much anything with a USB port will do the job!

I did make a brief video (link) just detailing some of my findings and I do plan on making a more extensive video to help people get into building FV-1 pedals, once I have completed a few builds!
I meant that last post as a reply to you. I probably should have just gotten a cheap used one but PC terminology is all gibberish to me 🤣

I might have some questions soon once I get everything set up this weekend.
You will also want the Oracle JAVA Runtime - you can get it for all platforms here: Oracle JAVA Runtime
So I set up my new windows computer with Java, spinCAD and AsProgrammer.
I followed all the instructions on the link:

I plugged the Fv-1 development PCB pedal in and the AsProgrammer acknowledges the CH341 but as a test I tried to read an eprom (the “deflector” Pedalpcb one)
I got the code every time I tried:
Error connecting CH341(-1)

I built the FV-1 dev board according to all the specs, triple checked all parts. I design and build pedals for a living so I doubt it’s my build. The USB cable I used is new but I guess I could try another.

Am I forgetting some kind of firmware? I’ve been using Mac’s since ‘09 so windows is totally foreign to me.
You might have to download a different driver, for the ch341, here is a thread of someone who had a similar problem and it hasn’t been an uncommon one, I will bet money on your driver wasn’t installed or you need a different one assuming everything is operating correctly,

Hopefully this helps a bit.
You might have to download a different driver, for the ch341, here is a thread of someone who had a similar problem and it hasn’t been an uncommon one, I will bet money on your driver wasn’t installed or you need a different one assuming everything is operating correctly,

Hopefully this helps a bit.
Thank you so much! I found that just after my last post and I’m in the process of installing now.
I’m a bit embarrassed, I’m normally a bit better about my due diligence before asking 🤣
built the board, installed the drivers, pulled down some programs from github. loaded one into ASprogrammer. program. completed. take it over to my test rig, plug it in, no effect. wet/dry just acts as a volume control. i'm so out of my depth here. help
Do you have a way to select the internal programs? Sorry I am not familiar with the board. If you can run an internal program that would point to something being wrong with your EEPROM or circuit in that area.

Also, try a bypass program in the EEPROM, e.g.


That just reads the input and passes it to the output.

built the board, installed the drivers, pulled down some programs from github. loaded one into ASprogrammer. program. completed. take it over to my test rig, plug it in, no effect. wet/dry just acts as a volume control. i'm so out of my depth here. help
Have you resolved this? Mine is working. Have you tried grounding pin 13 of the FV-1 to run the internal programs and see if those work? With pin 13 grounded, you should get these three options: 1718915978660.png
If you still get nothing, then maybe the fv-1 is not running, not properly soldered or dead. But, of course, make sure all components are installed correctly and of correct value... Especially the signal path to get input to the FV-1 and output from the FV-1.

FYI, I added an spdt push button switch to mine to ground pin-13 so I can compare against internal algorithms and sanity check all is well.
Hey everyone, I know this is a bit of a zombie thread 🧟‍♂️🧵 but I'm the one who started it so here we go again 🤣

I ended up giving away the windows computer. I seriously hate windows so much, I cant even work in it.

does anyone know if there is a simpler more straightforward way to use spincad without all the hombrew nightmare?
does anyone know if there is a simpler more straightforward way to use spincad without all the hombrew nightmare?

It's even worse with Apple, unfortunately.

Your best bet at the moment would be the official Spin development board, but you'd need to add some extra analog circuitry (input/output buffers, clean blend, etc).

Actually scratch that, I'm not sure if anyone has managed to get SpinAsm to run properly on a Mac/Linux system... and SpinAsm is really the only benefit of the official dev board.