Schu-Tone DM-3 (Boss DM-3)


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Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
There aren't many build reports for this so here we go. Schu-Tone DM-3 which is a clone of the Boss DM-3. Very easy to build despite the stacked boards. Took me a while to gather all the parts because Musikding were out of V3205 chips for the better half of the year.

It's my first ever real working analog delay (I have a finished Madbean Skoolie (EHX DMM) that works fine but feedbacks way too early or when hit hard that I need to debug one day...). The DM-3 sounds really sweet. I love how this thing sounds when you set it to almost feedback but not quite with the feedback knob at around 2 o'clock and the delay knob maxed. Endless fun playing arpeggios. :love:

Originally I wanted to use a metallic candy pink enclosure but they went out of stock a day before I ordered. I used viva magenta instead which comes quite close to the original color of the Boss enclosure.
If I were to order the design again I would probably pay for double white so the font pops a bit more but I still like how it came out. Not the most creative design and I am sure it's been done to death by about thousand other people but I like it. :D

2 dm3 (2).JPEG
2 dm3 (3).JPEG 2 dm3 (1).JPEG
Great build! I built this one a few months ago and it's fantastic. Not too difficult to dial in. I also have the same experience with the DMM clones. I built the Skoolie, Tour Bus, Total Recall and they are difficult to dial in. They sound fantastic but get out of control quickly.