diy cable tester?


Active member
Anyone diy a cable tester? I've built a ton of guitar cables, RCA cables - it's always a PITA holding the cable and multi-meter leads to check out my wiring. So I had some time and parts sitting around and came up with this.

Im sure Mr PedalPCB could come up with a vastly better pcb (hint hint) to make it 100x simpler and more features - but I think it came out ok. I was just going to buy the Behringer CT100 but figured why spend a mere $20 when I could put in a ton of hours of my own time (cheaper right?!)

The one thing I added that I haven't seen is an output BNC so I can use a multimeter if I really want to measure resistance etc. Otherwise stupid simple circuit with a switch and some LEDs.

It's come in handy already.

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Wow, I admire the lengths to which you went instead of just buying the Behringer - - one of the best products they've ever made. We have a couple of them at work and we've been using them for some 20 years. All you need is a piece of tape to cover the logo and it's golden. 😁