DEMO Face Melter batch (Steel Panther P Melter)

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Well-known member
last time i built a face melter it went straight to a friend..

was almost a little bit bummed because it’s actually a pretty decent distortion.
so i had to do it again.

but this time i did a batch of 3 so i could give one to a couple mates over xmas/ny (was a bit late but ah well)


linking the old demo with the original build cos I reckon it showcases this thing pretty well.
- does low gain distortion/crunch - akin to marshall crunch i suppose.
- does saturated high gain and takes an overdrive very well.

Is that the candy pink 125B case?
it’s unfortunate the viola pink is still out of stock/production, as i found that was a much better colour match for the UV print background when i did it the first time. the metallic candy pink is way off.
Dammit … I’ve the same problem.
I used light pink … looks horribly wrong to the UV. Which I knew, but I thought I give it a try and maybe it will work. Hopefully viola pink will come back soon.