Buddy's Breadboard and Circuit Design Notes

The only thing that should change when you remove C4 is you have one less part.

Referring to sch in post #312, if GAIN doesn't go low enough, try increasing R2. If GAIN doesn't go high enough, try increasing the GAIN pot.
Alright. Here's v4 with your suggestions, Chuck. I did have a good 25 min after dinner to play around with it and I do like the 1st gain stage structure now. It's also still interactive with my guitar. Dial both knobs back and it's pretty much a dirty boost. Then it goes into OD territory, then fuzz.

As mentioned in a previous post, the tone block makes this circuit a bit on the darker side when compared to the ice pick BMP when dimed. When dimed in my circuit it ends up being just right for my taste. I'll try to see if I can get a quick demo tomorrow via my phone.

I do like this one. Oh, and removing C4 in the previous schematic didn't change a thing. Just one less part. You think we can call it? I'll still use it in my practice session tomorrow to confirm with my own ears.

I want to make sure Sandy didn't change the order since Tuesday. If pin 3 is indeed still on the bottom, then the TONE pot is wired backwards. When Sandy says "When dimed in my circuit it ends up being just right for my taste." It tells me that some filtering of the distortion stage is in order.
What do you think?
No, I'm saying that turned up to 10 is the brightest setting and a bit too dark CCW past, say, 9 o'clock. Around noon and it sounds like my neck pickup
I would say so, yes. I mean, could I make fully CW brighter? Yes, but then it becomes too piercing. Super dark settings might be useful to some people.