N channel JFet ID


Active member
I bought some obsoleted electronics at a local recycler, and there are a ton of these jfet’s. I am having trouble identifying them.

Markings are “S” and “F2701”.

They sound good in a simple DOD 210 FET strip board circuit. Mostly curious what they are or what they compare to

The IDSS for one is 12.00 on my Peak IMG_6463.jpeg IMG_6462.jpeg
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If they've come from a recycler, it's entirely possible that the markings are from a batch where the manufacturer created custom ID numbers for a bulk customer such as an organ or amp company. Your best bet at getting an idea of what they are is to record ALL the parameters of several of them that your Peak will expose. (Idss is not the only pertinent parameter spec for sorting out what a JFET will do.) Then cross those specs against some of the most common JFET datasheets. It's an old school data mining approach, but should get you in the ballpark when you find a datasheet that shares the measured parameter specs.
Looks like an early silconix logo maybe and they made a E2701 P channel, so this is prob the compliment N channel.
The E2701 was a "low noise" jfet according to the 1971 silconix fet selection guide that I pulled up. No other states were listed though.