I don’t think the originally posted circuit would work. The 470R needs to be bigger to isolate the two signals so that muting the clean doesn’t nearly mute the dirty. Bringing that up to 10k might work well enough without changing anything else.
Another way to do additive blend is to exactly copy the op amp panning (#2 in the original post). But, don’t connect the wet signal to the blend pot. I’ve done this quite a bit with good results, for example using fv-1 delay or reverb. It can help to add a separate 10k resistor from the dirty side to ground (otherwise the dirty/wet signal can be really loud). But, this is case by case.
Another way to do additive blend is to exactly copy the op amp panning (#2 in the original post). But, don’t connect the wet signal to the blend pot. I’ve done this quite a bit with good results, for example using fv-1 delay or reverb. It can help to add a separate 10k resistor from the dirty side to ground (otherwise the dirty/wet signal can be really loud). But, this is case by case.