This update brings some quality of life updates to a couple knobs and introduces a few others!
I'll add some previews in the post following this update.
If you're using Affinity Designer, be sure to grab the file ending in .afdesign. The AD file is highly organized and will make quick work of adding these jacks to your global assets. If you're not using Affinity Designer, no worries, I've included a vectorized PDF for use with other programs.
NEW! Rogan Knobs:
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/Knobs/Rogan Knobs at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
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UPDATED! Skirted Saucer Knobs:
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/Knobs/Skirted-Saucer-Knobs at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
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UPDATED! Chicken Head Knobs:
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/Knobs/Chicken-Head-Knobs at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
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UPDATED! Neve / Marconi Style Knobs:
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/Knobs/Neve-Marconi-Style-Knobs at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
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New illustrations added to my GitHub repo under the Illustrations category, and I've re-structured the file directory to keep things a bit more organized. If you've saved any links that pointed to a child directory of /Graphics/, they may not work moving forward. This update brings some Rocker Switches and LEDs!
I'll add some previews in the post following this update.
If you're using Affinity Designer, be sure to grab the file ending in .afdesign. The AD file is highly organized and will make quick work of adding these jacks to your global assets. If you're not using Affinity Designer, no worries, I've included a vectorized PDF for use with other programs.
Here's the direct link to the GitHub folder containing the Rocker Switches:
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/Switches/Rocker Switches at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
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Here's the direct link to the GitHub folder containing the LEDs:
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/LEDs at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
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Recently updated the Davies Clone Knobs for better visibility on the darker colors and added a new White option to the 1470A lineup. Those are available here:
Previews to follow...
The new dynamic 125B enclosure file has been added to my GitHub repo under the Graphics section. This one needs a bit more explanation than standard components, so details and previews will follow.
Here's the direct link to the GitHub folder containing enclosures:
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/Enclosures at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
A collection of illustrations and graphic design templates for designing guitar pedals. - CoppoloElectronics/
New illustrations added to my GitHub repo under the Graphics section. This time, it's Rotary Switches and Potentiometers.
I'll add some previews in the post following this update.
If you're using Affinity Designer, be sure to grab the file ending in .afdesign. The AD file is highly organized and will make quick work of adding these jacks to your global assets. If you're not using Affinity Designer, no worries, I've included a vectorized PDF for use with other programs.
Here's the direct link to the GitHub folder containing rotary switches:
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/Switches/Rotary Switches at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
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Here's the direct link to the GitHub folder containing potentiometers:
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/Potentiometers at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
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It's a minor update, but I've added a couple more illustrations to the GitHub repo. This time, it's sub-miniature toggle switches, footswitch accessories (dress nuts, washers, etc.), and toggle switch accessories (anodized aluminum washers, dress nuts, switch caps). All of which are located in the Switches folder.
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/Switches at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
A collection of illustrations and graphic design templates for designing guitar pedals. - CoppoloElectronics/
Previews of new components can be found in the post following this update.
I say this every time, but if you need something that's missing, let me know.
Just uploaded some of my custom assets for toggle switches and footswitches to my GitHub repo under the Graphics section. I'll add some previews in the following post.
If you're using Affinity Designer, be sure to grab the file ending in .afdesign. The Affinity Designer file is highly organized and will make quick work of adding these jacks to your global assets.
It's been brought to my attention (thanks @Harry Klippton) that I don't mention that these graphic assets can be used with vector editing software other thank Affinity Designer. I get it, we each like to use things that work for us. I've included a layered PDF for each of the illustrations that should be compatible with other software.
Here's the direct link to the folder containing these on my GitHub repo:
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/Switches at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
A collection of illustrations and graphic design templates for designing guitar pedals. - CoppoloElectronics/
If you feel that I missed something that is commonly used, let me know so I can work on getting it added. I'm thinking that I'll knock out the sub-miniature switches next.
Just uploaded some of my custom assets for Audio and DC Jacks to my GitHub repo under the Graphics section. Here's a little preview of what's now available:
View attachment 84111
If you're using Affinity Designer, be sure to grab the file ending in .afdesign. The Affinity Designer file is highly organized and will make quick work of adding these jacks to your global assets.
Here's the direct link to the folder containing these on my GitHub repo:
Graphic-Design/Illustrations/Jacks at main · CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design
Contribute to CoppoloElectronics/Graphic-Design development by creating an account on
If you feel that I missed something that is commonly used, let me know so I can work on getting it added.