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  1. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    Replaced the 50k trimmer, the socket and the used my first ever mmbfj201. Bought these from Robert and thought it was the right time to try this out. With all this done I was able to dial in 4.5v and still... no boost. I also tested it inside and outside the box (with jumpers) to make sure I was...
  2. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    503. And it did measure right at 50k. Also I just replaced it with another 50k that read correctly as well
  3. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    I did try 2 other jfets that tested fine. No change. I will see if I can replace the trimmer and transistor socket
  4. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    I also tried a different j201 but no change. They were both good on my analyzer as well.
  5. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    Gotcha, I think that's where the issue is. I'm not getting any consistent readings no matter how I bias the resistor. I did get a 3.3v reading for just a second and the a couple of the red LEDs dimly lit and then nothing. Mostly I get readings of about .2 or point .3 occasionally. I hit all the...
  6. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    I will say this is a fantastic sounding pedal. Would obviously love to have the boost but... this thing kills as is
  7. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    So I fixed the poor soldering job on the FS but still no Boost channel. Cut everything off. I will take it out of the enclosure this weekend and hook it up to some jumpers to see if there's some ground issue when in the box. Appreciate everyone's feedback.
  8. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    Good grief, man. I'm usually so meticulous about solder joints. Will jump on it.
  9. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    Fixed the issue with the ground/output debacle. I now get a clean signal and an overdrive signal, which sounds great, but no boost signal. Both FS LEDs light up but no boost. Will install the switch limiting washer this evening although the switch seems to be working fine. BUT, none of the 4 red...
  10. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    I haven't built a pedal with this sort of layout and had no idea about the orientation of the switch other than simply dropping it on the switch board and soldering in place on the pub
  11. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    I don't believe so. If not, have I screwed myself on this pedal. I don't think I could successfully desolder the entire switch in order to start over.
  12. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    Oh wow, screwed that one. Will fix that asap. Once that is sorted i'm sure I'll at least get a clean signal. Would that have an effect on the signal getting to the red LEDs?
  13. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    I think I got the Jfets at Stompbox a couple of years ago. Tough to find now. It tests well so I don't think there's an issue there. I didn't try biasing once I realized there was no signal going through the pedal whether on or off. I will certainly try that though because the pedal is getting...
  14. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman Overdrive Issues

    I've enclosed two pics from my Salesman build. I'm sure I've done something stupid but have no clue what. The FS LEDs both come on when engaged but no sound when engaged or even not engaged with a straight clean tone from the amp. Also none of the four red LEDs on the board light up. I used a...
  15. Plaidesaurus

    Beatle Juice Fuzz diode question

    Yeah absolutely. It's a one trick fuzz but it's a beast. Made another one for a friend and he loved it. But I highly suggest using an A10k for the volume pot instead of the B10k. You get a lot more control over the travel of the volume swell.
  16. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman 4p3t switch question

    Ok great, there we go. Don't know how I missed that switch at Stompbox. ThX!
  17. Plaidesaurus

    Salesman 4p3t switch question

    I bought the 4p3t switch pictured below but the center pins on the switch don't match with the ones on the board (4 pins on board / 3 pins on switch). Where do I purchase the proper switch for this board? Thx
  18. Plaidesaurus

    British Royalty issue LED turns on but no engaged signal

    Ok just replaced both R100 and D100. Still no luck. I'll be getting that audio probe first of the week. I'm sure it's fairly intuitive but has anybody posted a tutorial on using one? Thanks for the input (y)
  19. Plaidesaurus

    British Royalty issue LED turns on but no engaged signal

    So, I tested my FETs and they are all in range. But, I'm not getting any voltage readings on them. I've certainly biased pedals before so I don't think it's a lame user error. LED is still showing power. I hit all the solder points again. Also including another pic that gives a better view of...
  20. Plaidesaurus

    British Royalty issue LED turns on but no engaged signal

    I'm circling back to a couple of builds I've had issues with. Here are a couple of pics of my British Royalty OD build. I get a clean signal and then when engaged the LED turns on but no signal. I just ordered a Rattlesnake audio probe. I have no experience with one but I'll give it a shot...