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  1. Plaidesaurus

    Beatle Juice Fuzz diode question

    I love this pedal as well. One trick pony but for psych leads it kills. Thanks for getting back
  2. Plaidesaurus

    Beatle Juice Fuzz diode question

    Reposting a question. Is there a mod I can do to have a wider spread on the Beatle Juice's volume? It gets super hot all of a sudden at 9 o'clock. Maybe a B1k pot.
  3. Plaidesaurus

    Beatle Fuzz Volume Pot question

    Thanks for the post. I wonder if lowering the pot value to 1k might spread the sweep out over the range. Such a cool take on the fuzz. Anybody else got a thought on this? Thanks(y)
  4. Plaidesaurus

    Beatle Fuzz Volume Pot question

    The volume pot on this fuzz cranks up really quickly. At 9 o'clock the pedal is already blazing and it's so sensitive at that point that it's hard to dial it in. Would a C pot make it more flexible in it's adjustment. C10k or C1k? I'm a fairly new builder so I'm walking a bit blind here. Thx
  5. Plaidesaurus

    No LED with Anvil Fuzz

    Good grief, you were right. Works now. Total brainfart. I've built enough pedals that I should have known better. Thanks for the help. Cheers(y)
  6. Plaidesaurus

    No LED with Anvil Fuzz

    Just finished the Anvil Fuzz. Works as should, sounds great, but no LED. I test all components before soldering. My multi-function tester indicated the LED was fine. Desoldered it and dropped another tested LED in. Pedal still works but still no LED. Did my best not to ruin the pads when...
  7. Plaidesaurus

    Beatle Juice Fuzz filter cap question

    Worked like a champ. Thx(y)
  8. Plaidesaurus

    Beatle Juice Fuzz filter cap question

    Building the Beatle fuzz. Just realized I've got four 10uf filter caps left and need five for the build. Can I use a 22uf in any one of the five positions? Thx
  9. Plaidesaurus

    Beatle Juice Fuzz diode question

    Ha, indeed! All good. Thx
  10. Plaidesaurus

    Beatle Juice Fuzz diode question

    Ok so mostly NOS English production (Mullard) is about all I can find. Might purchase from an English supplier but will start the 1N4148 diodes and evaluate. Thanks for getting back.
  11. Plaidesaurus

    Beatle Juice Fuzz diode question

    The build docs on the Beatle Juice Fuzz call for OA200 diodes on D1 & D2. It says next to that DO-35. Am I safe to assume that means it's calling for a 1N4148? Thx
  12. Plaidesaurus

    Aberration BC547 as a BC107B sub

    Good deal. Thanks for the feedback(y)
  13. Plaidesaurus

    Aberration BC547 as a BC107B sub

    I'm halfway through my Aberration build and just realized I don't have any BC107B transistors on hand. Quick search informs me that a BC547 can work as a sub. Can anyone chime in on this? Thx
  14. Plaidesaurus

    Pendulum LFO indicator LED stays on when pedal is disengaged.

    Gotcha. Thanks for getting back so quickly.
  15. Plaidesaurus

    Pendulum LFO indicator LED stays on when pedal is disengaged.

    Built a Pendulum. Sounds great. Only issue is that the LFO LED stays engaged and the red 3mm LEDs stay in flashing mode even when the pedal is bypassed. Is this how it's supposed to work? If not, any suggestions? THX
  16. Plaidesaurus

    Pendulum GL5516 question

    I'm going to build a Pendulum Tremolo which will be my first LDR pedal project. I've got a bag of 5516s which I purchased years ago. They mostly test from 3k-6k on my cheap T7 tester. Can someone give me an idea of what values would work best for this project? I'm obviously clueless here but...
  17. Plaidesaurus

    RAH tone mods

    Sounds great, guys. Thanks for all the good feedback.
  18. Plaidesaurus

    RAH tone mods

    I'm going to build a second RAH. Love the first one but I wouldn't mind ditching some of the high end on the treble. I'm currently rolling it most all the way back. Maybe I need more low end instead. Any suggestions for parts swaps?
  19. Plaidesaurus

    Rockstar with 3pdt Led brightness issue

    Issue solved. Bypassed the burned out pad on the boards CLR by attaching the 4.7k resistor straight to the positive side of the LED.
  20. Plaidesaurus

    Rockstar with 3pdt Led brightness issue

    I put the jumper on the main board LED pads as suggested. Still no luck. Then replaced the red 5mm LED on the brightness board, thinking I might have destroyed it. No luck. I must be too much of noob for this (stick with what you know) so I clipped FS out of the circuit and threw it in the...