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  1. S

    Tayda box tool email confirmation not working

    i just made a different account and got the email on a different account, then i searched for that email in my main account, and found it! so now my account is verified!
  2. S

    Tayda box tool email confirmation not working

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but for some reason I cant confirm my email with the Tayda box tool. It says that an email has been sent (it hasn't), and when I click the "resend confirmation" button, the screen just goes white and I still can't find the confirmation email in...
  3. S

    question about adding relay controlled buffered bypass to a circuit

    and 1 more thing, is a pulldown resistor needed to prevent switch pop?
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    question about adding relay controlled buffered bypass to a circuit

    its been a bit, but what are the other ways to switch the input and output buffers?
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    question about adding relay controlled buffered bypass to a circuit

    i finished making a pcb for it, are there any issues with it? there is a ground plane on the bottom, and a 9v plane on the top. and the schematic is the same as the one i first posted, but with the CLR going to +9v instead of VA.
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    question about adding relay controlled buffered bypass to a circuit

    also, would the adjustable brightness thing work as i want it to?
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    question about adding relay controlled buffered bypass to a circuit

    Hey guys, im designing a modifed tube screamer circuit and want to add relay controlled buffer bypass to it, but im not sure if the way i went about it will work. Here's the circuit schematic: