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  1. M

    SOLVED Muzzle (Classic) and low threshold settings

    Hey, sorry for the late reply. 1. I don't see a single ground connection between the PCB and the input/output jacks—blue cables are not connected to the jacks on the top of the pedal. I believe exactly one of them has to be connected. I recommend connecting the PCB ground to the input jack...
  2. M

    SOLVED Muzzle (Classic) and low threshold settings

    It's should be like that IMHO to avoid ground loops - effects loop and preamp ground buses should not be connected to each other as they're already connected together in the preamp circuit. Ensure your main input jack is not isolated so it connects the enclosure with GND. Otherwise you need to...
  3. M

    SOLVED Muzzle (Classic) and low threshold settings

    Sounds really good; nice tone! Check for ground loops; I remember reading a topic on this forum where somebody could narrow down high-pitch squeal issues to ground loops between key and pedal input. Key input ground should not be connected to the PCB, nor should it be connected to the pedal...
  4. M

    SOLVED Muzzle (Classic) and low threshold settings

    In my case, the pedal didn't work as designed, as I had an additional 1/3 non-usable threshold range CCW :) After I've tuned R11, it works exactly as in the video above, and now I like it. I am not sure why it was needed; I studied many data sheets and design notes from THAT, and the default...
  5. M

    SOLVED Muzzle (Classic) and low threshold settings

    Hi Bruno, It's hard to tell what's happening without taking a few measurements. However, I'd start by replacing the pot with the standard value (25k). Higher pot resistance increases the maximum threshold setting available and makes the usable range smaller, so you may struggle to set the...
  6. M

    SOLVED Muzzle (Classic) and low threshold settings

    OK, I should have searched the board better... After reading, I followed Dr. Don's suggestion to replace R11. I ended up with 420kOhm, which works just fine. To calculate the value, I set the threshold to the point when the gate...
  7. M

    SOLVED Muzzle (Classic) and low threshold settings

    Thank you for your answer! It actually depends on the power supply you're using - in my case, I have three sections in my power supply, and there are separate ground buses for different pedal chains - one goes directly into amp input, and the others are in the effects loop. In this case...
  8. M

    SOLVED Muzzle (Classic) and low threshold settings

    Hi, I spent some time reviewing the circuit today and taking additional measurements. What I found strange is that I get around -150mV at the output of RMS detection (THAT4301 pin 4) when the input is connected to the ground. The output level varies depending on the signal level and turns...
  9. M

    SOLVED Muzzle (Classic) and low threshold settings

    Hi everyone, hi first, as this is my first post here! A few months ago, I built a Muzzle (Classic) pedal from a Musikding kit. I believe the circuit works as intended. I really like it and agree it's one of the best noise gates I've ever used! What bothers me is whether the pedal behaves...