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  1. DeadAirMD

    Two Tone Fuzz transistor layout?

    I used GT402's from SBP for all spots, think I used 70ish, 90ish, 110, and it sounds amazing.
  2. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    Well, replaced the rest of the caps today. Did some recording and the audio itself sounds absolutely crystal clear. What an upgrade! The downside is that the distortion tone still blows. I have some components that are stuck in the mail's limbo lala land, so once those come in it will be...
  3. DeadAirMD

    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    Drill template for Two Tone Fuzz?
  4. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    Absolutely great advice! I've had this amp over 25 years and I've noticed some minor "burning" of the circuit board due to hot components. I'm sure someday I'll get a new amp, but since this was my 1st tube amp I'll have it forever. Have heard way too many stories of artist getting rid of...
  5. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    Thanks again for all the advice. I'm a big advocate of using alligator clips. I'm going to replace the bypass caps tomorrow as well as some suspect resistors. I've got a discharge pen that worked perfect last time I changed the power caps.
  6. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    Also, if I want to reflow the solder on the tube sockets, do I need to discharge the capacitors? If so, just the ones in the power supply?
  7. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    Just to clarify..... To run checks on my MM on the test points, I have the amp powered up, on "stand by", ground the MM, and touch to the "Test Point" locations on the schematic? I did this last night and was getting readings that were lower, but in the ballpark for what the TP's states. A few...
  8. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    Yeah definitely way better amps out there. This was my 1st amp 24yrs ago. The problem with native distortion is that I basically am playing a full band (drums, bass, keys, guitar) with my looping pedal, so I'm solely restricted to using dist/OD pedals since I can clip the rest of the "band". I...
  9. DeadAirMD

    Transistor Sockets...

    I go through SO many pin sockets. I'm always modding every single pedal I build, whether is transistors, resistors, caps......etc. I always add 3-4 strips with every order I place with Stomp Box Parts. I fried two transistors, using barely any heat, and said never again. I use sockets and pin...
  10. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    I've used this amp the exact same way the entire time I've had it. Always use a looper and play over the top. The past few years I've majorly upgraded my setup and now I build a drum track on Ezdrummer, loop that, then play guitar over that. The sample audio clips I cut from live recordings of...
  11. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    @PunchySunshine @Giorfida man, thanks for taking the time to run all of that down. It's hard to find a mostly complete synopsis in one location, so I really appreciate the time you took to write all that up. I have a ton to work on this weekend, but I love doing stuff like this so I'm looking...
  12. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    @RetiredUnit1 was more than generous with his complete amp knowledge and was very kind when I reached out for help with replacing the caps. From that experience I'm definitely more than mindful about what I'm doing. I'm all about those hook attachments or alligator clips. Made the cap changing a...
  13. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    I've got a call into a local amp guy, but he hasn't returned my calls yet. I have a ton of components for the amp and have the ability to fix it myself, I just know next to nothing about diagnosing amp Issues. @PunchySunshine for testing, are there actual test pads like for the biasing to test...
  14. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    @Erik S you're right, just wasn't sure if anyone was seeing this in the Break Room. Apologies for cluttering the boards.
  15. DeadAirMD

    Amp Issues

    Hoping someone out there can lead me in the right direction, or any direction but the one I'm stuck with for that matter. Problem amp is a 1st Gen. Fender Hot Rod Deluxe. A few months back I replace the about to explode 450/500v big boy capacitors. They were already erupting with gunk coming...
  16. DeadAirMD

    2 Rats in 1

    @jimilee wow, admiring your PCB board layout. Awesome idea adding so many different options for hookups/etc. You still have some of those boards? Would love to put a TS between those two
  17. DeadAirMD

    wire preference..

    Just get a box of the stuff in the link I posted. No more futzin with loose wires strands, twisting wires, no more shorts because of loose strands. I love it. I just push it through the PCB holes, bend the wire on the other side so it doesn't fall through, solder, clip, done. That box also...
  18. DeadAirMD

    wire preference..

    I started with Stranded when I first started building pedals, and boy did I hate it. Someone suggested Solid Core, and I've never looked back. Everyone definitely has their own preference, Solid Core is just way easier and faster to use for me. I'm not building moving mechanical parts...
  19. DeadAirMD

    Ge Transistor Sorting

    Nice! I literally do the exact same thing with mine and post-it notes. Go a little further and put the pinouts and npn/pnp. I have WAY too many transistors at this point.......just ordered some more.
  20. DeadAirMD

    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    Oh, I read that post....I definitely read that post haha. A few more days/weeks, I can manage.