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  1. Hetari Gotoh

    Terminally pointless: stock + jan ray values AionFX Termina (Timmy V2)

    I think my addiction has an addiction. By now, for various unfortunate reasons, the number of timmy & friends I have built and given away is in the double digits. The more I research the difference between the Timmy and the Jan Ray, the less things make sense. To make things make more sense...
  2. Hetari Gotoh

    The canine trio: PPCB Tommy III + Muroidea (You Dirty Feeble RAT edition)

    Compared to my previous Jan Ray build this Timmy sounds more "focused" and slightly less "shimmery". Feels more like a tone shaping tool than a magic harmonics-infusing artifact. Which makes no sense, obviously. I wonder why the components and pots are so spaced apart on the pcb compared to the...
  3. Hetari Gotoh

    Coda Effects Golden Hour (Vemuram Jan Ray)

    This time I tried my hand at drilling the holes with a step bit. An interesting experience, but doing it on a pre-painted enclosure is not optimal I guess. Despite using a center punch and pilot hole the end result is not precise enough. Relaxing build, anyway. I like the way it sounds, even...
  4. Hetari Gotoh

    DEMO Improved bycatch module: ADHD Overdrive (Fulltone OCD 2.0)

    I had great fun researching and building this one. The new board design does an even better job at fueling your ADHD by not including any documentation as an added challenge. I loved it. I decided to include R8 by flipping a coin and I used an A1M drive pot instead of an A500K, trusting the...
  5. Hetari Gotoh

    DEMO Decaffeinated Tea: PPCB Hojicha (320design K-ON! K-AD1 Azusa Driver)

    This is the companion to the Genmaicha Overdrive, so most of the considerations I made for that one apply in this case. On paper, this one is supposed to work better with single coils. I guess. I just know it sounds more usable out of the.. uhm.. box than the Genmaicha. The tone and tea...
  6. Hetari Gotoh

    DEMO Mud (honey) tea: PPCB Genmaicha (320design K-ON! K-YD1 Yui Driver)

    I obviously felt compelled to build this one. I have no idea what's supposed to sound like, except that if I had to design this I would make it marshally and humbucker-friendly. This build sounds really dark, like, REALLY dark. I first asked my local guitar jedi master for help testing it. We...
  7. Hetari Gotoh

    Sexy little resistors: AionFX Aphelion (MXR Distortion+)

    First custom Tayda drilling and UV printing for my first AionFX build. All in all I'm pretty happy with the results, thanks to the people from the Tayda UV Printing thread and to Hugo & co. for their precision with all the drilling and layering. The build itself is simple, but it requires some...
  8. Hetari Gotoh

    High protein spaghetti: Pro-10 Blue (Browne Protein Blue Channel)

    Third build, some kind of modded bluesbreaker. After reading up on the topic I chose the blue channel of the protein pedal because... yes. I can't even remember why. It must have looked like a good idea at the time. One thing I remember is @spi describing it as "excessively loud and shrill"...
  9. Hetari Gotoh

    Testing the testing rig: Madbean Pedals ProtoRig Jr. + PPCB Uber Drive (Boss SD-1)

    My first build was thankfully a success, but considering I have no idea what I'm doing it's only a matter of time before something goes wrong. In fact, "having an idea what I'm doing" requires mistakes in order to learn. I guess. Hence the testing/prototyping rig, complete with something to...
  10. Hetari Gotoh

    First build and introduction - Amentum Boost (EQD Arrows)

    Hello, everybody. I am an ignorant, horrible person and I reside in Italy. I came across this site before Christmas while I was bedridden and killing time on the web. I was researching the Klon because even though I'm a bassist I'm trying to understand how guitarists work an why they're obsessed...