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  1. IMG_20230413_153509.jpg


    KOT Paragon pedal - Tenacious D
  2. IMG_20230220_205605.jpg


    Friedman BE-OD Brown Betty - Royal Blood
  3. GazM

    Brown Betty and Paragon latest builds in my favorite artist series

    I'm building a pedal board of all the pedals I've wanted but in the theme of my favorite artists. These are the next two now completed, The Tenacious D "two Kings of Toan", and the Royal Blood "Royal BE-OD". They are the Brown Betty and Paragon PCB's. Had a nightmare with the BE-OD, but with a...
  4. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    yeah they all work fine, when I first did them I couldn't find anywhere online that showed where to connect, so, I saw it as live is the one that connects to the tip of the jack when inserted, and because this then breaks the connection, the other side is no longer connected, so put that as...
  5. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    Very clear mate thank you!
  6. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    Also just occurred to me as well that this may have been the reason it did not work last night, and then today I just plugged the wrong jacks when fixed, either way, thank you for the tip mate I'll wire the rest up like this also from now on!
  7. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    I CANNOT F*CKING BELIEVE IT. Measured all IC pins this time correctly, pin 4's at zero this time, pin 8's at 8.83. thinking, ok so at least IC's are correct. read your last message. IVE PUT THE GOD DAMN SIGNAL IN THE OUT JACK. 3 pages of amazing support from all you guys, and its just user...
  8. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    I stupidly thought you put the red on the positive power input and black on the thing you are measuring. Watched a video, now I know you put black on ground and red on what you want to measure. Idiot, will redo all readings!
  9. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    Wait guys, I might be a complete idiot, first time measuring voltages on IC's, give me a while I could have screwed up the readings entirely!! :-)
  10. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    So I got these from Tayda, they say 22A7PSM TL072CP on them, did I get the wrong IC or is it the voltage going into them thats causing a problem do you think?
  11. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    Hi mate, changing the Jack wiring did not work. Now I also get no sound (buzzing has gone when engaged) and works in bypass. Voltage in is 9.3 V, The IC Voltage values are:
  12. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    Hi mate, I wired as you showed to do, unfortunately did not solve the problem. Thank you anyway. Still no sound, still works in Bypass. I will post the voltages now of the IC's in response to Steviejr92's post.
  13. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    ok thanks mate I will try that on both and fingers crossed it works! Thanks again for your help!
  14. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    Thanks for recommendation, I've checked the voltages on the IC's now, I didn't note them down but all IC's have the same values on each pin and every pin has voltage coming through it, so I guess that means all ok? or is there specific voltage I should be looking for on each pin?
  15. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    Thank you for this input, I really appreciate it from you guys, but I really think I've wired them correctly? The jacks I got (in fairness by mistake) are PCB mounted ones from Tayda, I got them by mistake but they still work...
  16. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    Hi, no I have not checked the voltages on the IC's yet, thanks for the recommendation, I will do that before building an audio probe!
  17. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    it seems I have to go the audio probe route so will watch a few tutorials and see how I go! :-) thanks for everyone's input so far, all very helpful!
  18. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    Thanks mate, I'm now one step closer I think! re flowed all joints, and I now get sound when the pedal is switched on. However, all I get is loud humming with no guitar type sound. For example, the loud humming is there whether or not I play the guitar, and also turning any of the control pots...
  19. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    ok thanks, I will try to re-flow all joints, try again and come back to you!
  20. GazM

    Help with first time troubleshooting - Brown Betty

    Thanks for your help! The jacks I think are wired correctly, as I have used them in the other pedals and they worked this way around. The ground is going to the sleeve and the signal wire is going to the jack when its plugged in. Plus, I'm getting sound when in bypass so I am near certain the...