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  1. diocide

    Controlling two effects in a rack mount.

    I wouldn’t mind being a guinea pig. Can I email you and we can discuss it further?
  2. diocide

    Controlling two effects in a rack mount.

    Got a question. I’ve got a person looking to rackmount one of my pedal designs. I’ve done it before, and that’s not an issue. It’s a high gain preamp style pedal. The question I have is that they want it to have a “clean” channel in addition and be able to switch back forth between the two...
  3. diocide

    Parentheses fuzz squealing noise

    I plan to socket then and try others. Weird.
  4. diocide

    Parentheses fuzz squealing noise

    I was poking around my builds that are giving me issues and I noticed that when I poked around the two GE diodes, the noise would change. I thought maybe I had a bad solder joint on them, so I heated them up while the pedal was on, and in full squeal. On the input side, when I heated the pad...
  5. diocide

    Triangulum with amp gain issue

    Could be a bad pot too. Could be grounding out at the end of the sweep.
  6. diocide

    Parentheses fuzz squealing noise

    Did you ever get this resolved? I’m getting the same issue on two builds as well. The octave pot and sweep pot seem to create a feedback loop.
  7. diocide

    Triangulum with amp gain issue

    No, what I’m saying is that the Triangulum and 33 have a lot less gain than I expected. I’m not sure if thst helps, but in my experience, it’s not a huge “boost” it’s more a fixed EQ and small boost.
  8. diocide

    Byrdhouse IC?

    I snagged some NTE996 off Amazon. Seem fine to me.
  9. diocide

    Triangulum with amp gain issue

    It may depend on the amp. I've built a few Triangulum boosts, and A/B'd them with real 33's. They're very close, but both pedals have a lot less gain than I expected. I actually thought something was wrong with my build until I A/B'd them.
  10. diocide

    Parentheses - A show of hands

    Hey folks. New forumite here. I've built a few of these for friends, and I"ve encountered a random problem. When the octave is turned all the way up, I get oscillation. An instant screech. It's only happened on two builds out of 4. All parts are high quality, but I'm not sure what causing the...