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  1. V

    Trimpot Adjustment - Son of Ben

    Can someone explain busing q2 and q3? I ran a probe to ground and a probe to the drain on both with the pedal plugged in. They both read 9v and that value doesn’t change when I adjust the pot. What am I doing wrong? I successfully adjusted q1 to almost 1.67
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    SOLVED Son of Ben first build issues

    Update: It's working!! I definitely had fake j201s. I ordered some j201s from pedal pcb and redid the entire board. I wasn't able to remove my 6 prong bass pot from the board. Luckily I had enough components and another board so I could make a second. Fired up right away. Just need to adjust...
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    SOLVED Son of Ben first build issues

    By switch you mean unsolder and replace with a new transistor right?
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    SOLVED Son of Ben first build issues

    I built a probe and tested. Everything is good until the signal reaches the first J201. After there is no signal at all. Any ideas? I used my multi meter to test the connection. With the positive on the source and negative on the drain it reads 850. With positive on the source and negative on...
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    SOLVED Son of Ben first build issues

    Totally agree. I tracked down the parts myself from Tayda and I used a multimeter to verify the values before using them. Good to know about the J201s. I have some other 2N5457 transistors that I could use. But I'll wait and rule everything else out first.
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    SOLVED Son of Ben first build issues

    Here are some photos of my build. My guess is that my solder joints are not great and I need to reflow them. Would not biasing the J201s cause no sound? To be honest I wasn't sure how to do it so I adjusted them based on another build that I saw (again I'm a noob). I'll do some research on how...
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    SOLVED Son of Ben first build issues

    I know this is probably a very beginner question but I’m having trouble figuring out where to start with debugging my first build. I just finished up my first pedal. Plugged it in and had sound in bypass. When activated the led comes on but no sound. Where should I start looking? Thanks in advanced