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  1. E

    Parentheses Fuzz (Old version) - Boost OK, Octave and Fuzz no

    Thank you for your help, I'll try to clean a bit with Isopryl in the next days (I don't have it at home and shop are closed for Covid). If this does not work i could try to remove and check the transistor and substitute them later: Do you think that install pin headers could be a nice idea to...
  2. E

    Parentheses Fuzz (Old version) - Boost OK, Octave and Fuzz no

    Here there are some photo: I can take more if they are not good
  3. E

    Parentheses Fuzz (Old version) - Boost OK, Octave and Fuzz no

    Voltages of IC1: pin 1 - 6.82V pin 2 - "strange" started from a value and goes near to 0 (stopped at around 0.07V) pin 3 - 2.27V pin 4 - 0.00V pin 5 - 0.20V pin 6 - "strange" started from a value and goes near to 0 (stopped at around 0.07V) pin 7 - 9.14V pin 8 - 8.07V
  4. E

    Parentheses Fuzz (Old version) - Boost OK, Octave and Fuzz no

    The voltage on IC1 pin 6 is near to zero (both with OCTAVE engaged and not engaged) and moving the octave pot does not change this value
  5. E

    Parentheses Fuzz (Old version) - Boost OK, Octave and Fuzz no

    What do you mean? What happens to what specific part? Thank you very much for your time for now! For today I quit because here in Italy it's very late now :)
  6. E

    Parentheses Fuzz (Old version) - Boost OK, Octave and Fuzz no

    The voltage on IC1 pin 6 is strange, it starts from more than 8V and decrease to 0V and then it restart
  7. E

    Parentheses Fuzz (Old version) - Boost OK, Octave and Fuzz no

    The GE diodes are the 1N34As found on Tayda (these: Correct measures: Q1 pin 2 - 0.70V Q5 pin 2 - 0.68V
  8. E

    Parentheses Fuzz (Old version) - Boost OK, Octave and Fuzz no

    Hi @Chuck D. Bones thanks for replying me! I removed the two GE diodes to change their orientation and installed four round pin headers: actually the GE diodes are placed in the "wrong" position but thanks to the pin headers I can now turn them as I wish. Just to be sure: for measuring "Q1 pin...
  9. E

    Parentheses Fuzz (Old version) - Boost OK, Octave and Fuzz no

    Hi, I have some problems with the Parentheses Fuzz: The Boost section works perfectly; The Octave section does not work - ON or OFF the sound does not change; The Fuzz section does not work - when it is turned ON the sound disappear. Some notes to help you to understand: I have not yet...