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  1. grobbins

    Dr Robert / Pharmacist Issues

    Hello, I've been building a couple of Dr Roberts. The first one works no issues. Second one is a swine. There is no signal when engaged. Just buzzing. -Bypass ok. -leds ok -pots affect volume /gains/mids in both normal and boost channels (you can hear volume/eq of the buzz change). I've...
  2. grobbins

    Radium Springs Toggle Positions?

    Hello fellow humans. I've just finished the radium springs pedal and it sounds really good. Can anyone advise which toggle position is blackface and which is brown please? I would guess up is black, mid reverb and down is brown? Id like to know for sure though. Cheers G
  3. grobbins

    Pharmacist Overdrive Daughterboard Wiring?

    Hello everyone My first post on the PCB forum! I've got a lot of pedal building experience but i've got a question for you. I've been working on a Pharmacist overdrive. When snapping the circled daughterboard from the sprue the part flew off and is not to be seen! I am therefore asking if...