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  1. T

    Tube preamp project, how to test / breadboard?

    I just tested the output and I indeed get something between C2 and R6 (not very boosted, if boosted at all). I then tested where C11 and R35 meet, right before the OD section. I also get sound there, significantly more boosted than the previous test, however there is something I can't really...
  2. T

    Tube preamp project, how to test / breadboard?

    Ok so, breadboard was assembled completely.. obviously it didn't work, as I only get a sort strong background noise (I connected the guitar directly in the input, as the output to a mixer). I would have many questions, but perhaps the fundamental one in regards to debugging the issue is...
  3. T

    Tubes 102 - Intro to Power Supplies for Tube Circuits

    Perhaps I'm missing a very easy point, but if you have two filaments with no center tap (and thus only two pins), how can I have 6.3V over each of the filaments? I know its a very stupid question but wouldn't running one pin to the power supply (6.3V) and the other to ground just give 6.3V over...
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    Tubes 102 - Intro to Power Supplies for Tube Circuits

    One question, what is the configuration if the tube doesn't have a center tap (like pin 9) and you are running it via 6.3 Volt DC supply? Is creating a virtual center tap the only way to go?
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    Tube preamp project, how to test / breadboard?

    Sorry for not answering, I appreciated your explanation. I just received the tubes, so soon I will hopefully have a first sound test from the breadboard :)
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    Tube preamp project, how to test / breadboard?

    I was expecting less output voltage, when the project was first posted I remember the output voltage of the smps was said to be around 200V. 370V felt a bit too much by following more or less the same circuit. Also by non linearity I also mean that there is a point in the trimmer resistor where...
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    Tube preamp project, how to test / breadboard?

    Ok I ordered a bunch of for Q3, and BC549CTA transistors for Q2 which I really hope would get the job done 😅
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    Tube preamp project, how to test / breadboard?

    Hey @vigilante398, forgive me for bringing you up again but I'm facing a small doubt. While waiting for the tubes to arrive I have assembled the breadboard completely, including the SMPS. When testing (with a multimeter, no load) the SMPS I am noticing some strange behaviour: the output voltage...
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    Tube preamp project, how to test / breadboard?

    Yes that is correct, it was his build :) Thanks for the help, I feel a bit more confident now. I will update on the results!
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    Tube preamp project, how to test / breadboard?

    Thanks a lot for the answer! And yes! It's that one (not sure what happened with my attachment). Since you recognised it immediately, have you by any chance already gave it a shot? Anyways, I understand your approach, but I guess it partially comes from your experience of knowing with pretty...
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    Tube preamp project, how to test / breadboard?

    Hi, I'm writing because I'm planning on making a tube preamp pedal starting from a schematic I found, however it's my starting point with tubes (also thanks to @vigilante398 for the great 101 & 102 entry level guides :) ) at relatively high voltage and I would like to be as safe as possible...