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  1. F

    Muzzle (Classic)

    Didn't have the right capacitor values so I put them in parallel
  2. F

    Muzzle (Classic)

    Right, this is what I thought
  3. F

    Muzzle (Classic) This is where I bought my 4301
  4. F

    Muzzle (Classic)

    I'd appreciate if you could link me to this. If this is a clone of the fortin zuul, it should be a hard noise gate. Particularly when put in the FX loop using the key input.
  5. F

    Muzzle (Classic)

    Update on the pedal. I waited until my new amp with an FX loop arrived to do a proper test on the pedal. So far these are my issues: 1) I have a key through. As I understand, this is supposed to eliminate my need for a splitter, correct? If I use the 4 cable method (key in, key through -> front...
  6. F

    Muzzle (Classic)

    Also, when I switch the range switch, there is no effect on the signal at all.
  7. F

    Muzzle (Classic)

    Hi all, Got my muzzle together and it's sort of working? Basically it doesn't hard gate. It just turns down the level of signal instead of cutting it all together. Anyone know what might be causing this? I am currently only using it as a gate without plugging into the side chain jacks, since...
  8. F

    Muzzle Resistor Substitute

    Just got a muzzle pcb. I have everything except 5K6 resistors, but I have 5K1 resistors on hand. Worth getting some 5k6 resistors or should I try the 5k1s? Thanks
  9. F

    Muzzle Range Switch

    Perfect, thanks
  10. F

    Muzzle Range Switch

    Hi all, First official pedal build will be a muzzle. Been making some breadboard pedals for practice, but this is my first official build with an enclosure and PCB. I'm just gathering all the components for my Muzzle build, but the 1P2T mini range switch is out of stock on Tayda. (...